This is a question that we now ask our clients, following the CrowdStrike outage that took place in July 2024.
Well, imagine you wake up Monday morning and all of your business IT wasn’t working. No computer to do anything and suddenly client deadlines fast approaching. Well, for some people that was the reality, airlines couldn’t fly, banks couldn’t transfer money, life pretty much stopped.
And to top it off , many many businesses are still in this position because they do not prioritise their I.T. and most small businesses may overlook the support of their tech. There can be multiple reasons for this including the increased costs, time commitments or even because it is just far far too scary.
There is good news, because, with the right measures in place, even if this happened again with not only CrowdStrike but any vendor of software, then your business would be ready to jump straight into it’s backup or plan B and could survive with multiple methods of still completing transactions and keeping your business running.
So Kev, what systems should I think about when devising plan B or backup system for my small business?
Well, there are several things you should be looking at when putting together your plan B which includes:
- Managing disasters and business continuity
- Maintain security of your systems
- Ensuring operational efficiency
- Test your disaster recovery plan and backups
- Educate your team (including outsourced companies).
Now, we aren’t going to look at all of these in this post, because that would be far too long winded for you to read, so instead over the next few weeks I will be picking on one of the parts of your Plan B and discussing it in detail.
Why don’t you put in the comments on this post one thing you do or need to do to keep your business running if you were to experience another outage…